Moigne Combe Bloodstock is based at Moigne Combe Estate, Dorset.

As one of Dorset's most notable estates, Moigne Combe was built in 1900 and is situated in 141 acres of mixed pasture, parkland and woodland, set in the stunning Dorset countryside and just 5 minutes from the spectacular Jurassic coastline. Belonging to the original "Bond" family who inspired Ian Flemming's James Bond character, the historic family motto "NonSufficitOrbis"whichtranslatesto"TheWorldisnotEnough"is featured in the family coat of arms and is emblazoned in stone across the front entrance door of the main house . 

Moigne Combe Bloodstock focuses on the training of high quality bloodstock to produce animals who perform with distinction - that are tough, sound and genuine in nature.


Our brand new purpose built facilities include a state of the art Monarch Majestic stable yard complete with extra, infra red heat lamps and seasonal stable lights to maximise health and performance by strengthening the horse’s circadian rhythms.
Our experienced full time team are dedicated to the highest levels of training with leading Veterinary specialists in our dedicated vetting area to progress an exciting new biotech offering.

Outside, a Monarch six-horse walker, 30ft round pen and large all-weather turnout have been added to our first class training facilities, paired with state of the art physical therapy.

Our team, headed by the UK’s leading Stem-cell scientists are working on a World first Biotech offering to produce game changing results in the UK. These breakthroughs include the curing of superficial scarring & historic scar tissue through state of the art veterinary advancements to improve quality of life and performance. 


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